On dairy farms, many calves born are either Beef bred or Dairy Bulls. These non-replacement stock often leave the dairy herd at a young age, letting dairy farmers focus their efforts on rearing Dairy Replacements.
Striking the balance between low Input costs and lifetime performance can be a hard sell for dairy farmers operating in a low milk price. They are however the future herd, and as such are an essential part of the life cycle.
Before weaning calves are fed on Skim or Whey based Calf Milk Replacer alongside a Calf Starter Concentrate in coarse or pellet form. Research and on-farm experience tell us that feeding a special pellet size increase’s Calf Starter Feed intake, minimising growth checks at weaning.
This has drawn the attention of many Dairy Farmers who value rapid growth, aiming for a 22-month age at first calving, as this can lead to higher lifetime yields.
The sooner heifers start eating dry feed, the less Calf Milk Replacer they will consume, and the sooner they will start consuming forage.
It is important to evaluate the total daily cost of all feeds, as higher intakes of Blue Sky Calf Starter feed will create a greater substitution of Calf Milk Replacer, along with improved gut health. Leading to overall reduced cost’s and less growth checks around weaning.
This makes feeding Blue Sky Calf Starter Feed an investment and not a cost.